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War on Want & Care2 – Fundraising transformation through Engaging Networks and Care2
Rosie Urbanovich, Senior Fundraising Officer – Individuals, War on Want
Glyn Thomas, Engaging Networks Implementation Partner
Rhiannan Sullivan, Director, Europe, Care2
War on Want has been transforming its fundraising to be less reliant on telephone conversion to regular donor and instead to focus more on email. Rosie, Rhiannan and Glyn will talk about how the organisation has recruited new supporters mostly through Care2 and Facebook and used the marketing automation tools in Engaging Networks to take those supporters on a tailored journey with further engagement, campaigning and donation opportunities.
A brand-new membership page, built using page-builder has also helped deliver more regular donors online as part of their new strategy. War on Want will be rolling this strategy out further in the coming months, and will talk about some of their plans for the coming year. Rhiannan will also talk about Care2’s new GDPR-compliant opt-in system.