Case Study: Unison

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Going from IRL to digital campaigns and organising for UNISON regional staff

UNISON HQ has used Engaging Networks for many years, but the pandemic, combined with changing digital habits, catalysed UNISON, the biggest public service union in Europe to open out Engaging Networks digital tools to regional staff, doing the on the ground organising work. Bryony was brought on as a Digital Advocacy & Engagement Expert to oversee the creation and training of the new tools. This process of in real life, to digital in campaigns and organising, is the reverse of the project she embarked on years ago at 38 Degrees as the Head of IRL. She will talk us through the combining of digital and IRL campaigns and organising tools, and rolling out to regions, success, challenges, training format and freshest thinking. Also in attendance will be Rachael Henry, Communications Manager at UNISON who initiated the process.

Bryony Walker, Digital Advocacy and Engagement Expert, UNISON

Rachael Henry, Campaigns Manager, UNISON

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