Job Monitor From time to time in your account, you will be prompted to navigate to the job monitor to download a...
Email Engagement Scoring Overview “Email Engagement Scoring” assigns each of your opted-in supporters a number (between 0 and 11) based on their interaction with...
Data Reports Data reports allow you to download summary spreadsheets of results from your emails and campaigns, or have them emailed to...
Attributes Attributes are descriptive “tags” applied to pages and emails that you build in the software. For example, you might create...
Email Campaign Reporting You can access detailed reports for individual email campaigns sent by the system. By looking at the statistics, you’ll be...
Survey results Survey Results will show you the answers that your supporters have submitted on a Survey page. To view your Survey...
Finance Reports You can quickly generate your fundraising reports without having to go through the query builder. This can be useful if...
Tally view report The Tally view report can be used to view recent donations from within the platform without having to download data via...
Quick reports Every page in your account has its own Quick Report to give you an overview of current statistics for that...
Visual Reports Visual Reports display a visual representation of your account activity, including donations over time, advocacy actions and email. What reporting...