Export Supporter Data (front-end) This document gives instructions on how to run a query and export any of your data into a spreadsheet if...
Importing supporter data (front-end) You can use the platform’s import functionality to import supporter data along with opt-ins, questions and participations. 1) Prepare the...
Importing Transactional Data (front-end) Once your file is prepared correctly (see Preparing a transactional file for import for more information), you can import the...
Preparing a file of supporter data for import (front-end) You can import data into your Engaging Networks account, helping you to get a complete picture of your supporters’ activity....
Exporting data – transactions, user data and hybrid formats After you’ve run your data export query, or if you are using our Bulk Export API, you can export your...
Job Monitor From time to time in your account, you will be prompted to navigate to the job monitor to download a...
Viewing and exporting event data An event can consist of several ticket types and attendees, therefore they are more complex than some other exports you...
Preparing a file of transactional data for import (front-end) You can import payment transactional data into your Engaging Networks account, helping you to get a complete picture of your...
Data services – calls you can make This document is intended to describe the various data services that we offer and provide examples of what these data...
Export historical data for a supporter (subject access request) If you receive a Subject Access Request (SAR) from a supporter to request all information held on them, it can...